Amb. Bolton Endorses Schumer Challenger Wendy Long

Amb. Bolton Endorses Schumer Challenger Wendy Long

Former UN ambassador John Bolton issued an endorsement for Wendy Long in the New York Senate race against incumbent Democrat Chuck Schumer. 

In a press release, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under George W. Bush cited the importance of keeping the Republicans' majority in the Senate intact during the 2016 elections, saying, "It is of the utmost importance that we keep these majorities intact for our next Republican president." 
Praising Long's foreign policy acumen, Bolton said, "Wendy embraces the concept of peace through strength and she understands that rogue nations like North Korea and Iran are threats to world peace and cannot be trusted." 

Adding, "I know she will be a strong senator for New York and our country." 

Long's is the nominee of the Republican, Conservative, and Reform parties in the U.S. Senate race. She was a litigation partner at a New York law firm, and a general counsel at the Judicial Confirmation Network.
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Bolton's super PAC supports Long as part of its mission to promote candidates who "believe in restoring American's national security and protecting the United States' vital freedoms at home through securing U.S. interests in an increasingly dangerous world." 
In the press release, Long predicted that Republican nominee Donald Trump would win the presidency, and said that she, with Ambassador Bolton's leadership, would work alongside him "to strengthen America and defeat Islamic terror." 

Long criticized Sen. Schumer's foreign policy saying he "won't even say the words 'Islamic terror,' and his support for Israel is calculated not on any principled stands or America's interests, but only to get him the most votes and the most money." reports Long believes her support of Trump will help her campaign in a state that traditionally supports Democrats, saying, "In a blue state, I'm counting on Donald Trump to help me tell Chuck Schumer, 'You're fired!'"


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